Domestic Abuse No Contact Orders (DANCO) in Minnesota

Domestic Abuse No Contact Orders (DANCO) are issued to protect alleged victims against claims of domestic violence, harassment, stalking, or any domestic violence related offense. This court-mandated order can significantly impact your life, restricting your movements and communications. In some instances, it may prevent you from living in your own home and seeing or communicating with your partner or children. In some instances, it may prevent you from living in your own home and seeing or communicating with your partner or children.
At Universal Defense, LLC, we recognize the complexity and sensitivity of domestic assault claims. Our lawyers will take the time to hear your side of the story, gather witness testimony, look for discrepancies in police reports, and work to identify weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. If you’re looking to modify or dismiss a no contact order, trust our team to provide compassionate and robust legal representation.
Call our office today and speak with an experienced Domestic Abuse No Contact Order lawyer in Minnesota. We will work tirelessly to protect your rights.
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What Limitations Will I Have With a DANCO?
Domestic Abuse No Contact Orders are put into place to prevent any additional claims of harassing, stalking, or threatening behavior towards the protected party in domestic related allegations. Depending on the specific facts of your case, the Judge may order the following:
- Have no direct contact with the protected person.
- Have no indirect communications with the protected person, including phone, text, email, social media, etc.
- Stay a specified distance away from the protected person or their home at all times.
- Have no direct or indirect contact with children, or other individuals, living in the home.
- Do not enter the victim’s place of employment.
- Do not enter the victim’s home, even if this is your home as well. You will have to find other living arrangements while a DANCO is in place.
- You may be required to have a police escort to retrieve your belongings from your home if shared with the victim.
Additionally, Domestic Abuse No Contact Orders transfer across state lines and are enforced anywhere in the U.S., including tribal lands. Federal law also prohibits any individual charged with a crime of domestic violence from shipping, transferring, or possessing firearms or ammunition while this order is in place.

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Modification & Dismissal of DANCO
While DANCOs are designed to protect alleged victims, they can sometimes place unnecessary restrictions on a defendant, especially in situations involving family or shared children. In Minnesota, defense attorneys can request that a DANCO be modified or dismissed under certain circumstances. For example, if the alleged victim requests the modification, or the defendant cooperates with all court orders, the Judge may consider modifying or dismissing the order entirely.
A knowledgeable DANCO defense attorney can advocate on your behalf, making it possible for you to resume normal interactions with your family. The process can be complex, but with the right legal representation, you may be able to regain your freedom sooner than you thought.
It's important to note that a DANCO is distinct from an Order for Protection (OFP) and a Harassment Restraining Order (HRO). While these orders serve similar purposes, a DANCO is specifically tied to a criminal case and can only be modified or dismissed by the Judge overseeing the criminal proceedings.
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Violating a Domestic Abuse No Contact Order
A violation of a court-ordered DANCO will likely lead to additional criminal charges. It is essential to understand that even if the protected person initiates contact, you are legally required to refrain from responding and/or remove yourself from the situation. An unintentional meeting at a shared space or even a phone call can be considered a DANCO violation, resulting in an arrest and additional criminal charges. Like all domestic related offenses, DANCO violations are enhanceable, meaning each offense within a 10-year period will accompany a greater penalty.
If you are accused of violating a DANCO, it is essential to seek legal help immediately. Our criminal defense lawyers have extensive experience defending clients against alleged DANCO violations. Universal Defense will fight to:
- Challenge the prosecution's evidence
- Find inconsistencies within witness statements
- Demonstrate a lack of intent or knowledge
- Show a violation never took place
- Prove that the alleged contact was orchestrated by the protected party
What Are the Penalties for a DANCO Violation?
Depending on the nature of the violation and prior record, consequences of a DANCO violation can range from:
Most DANCO violations will be charged as a misdemeanor if the defendant does not have any prior domestic related convictions. This could involve up to 90 days imprisonment and/or up to $1,000 in fines.
Gross Misdemeanor
A gross misdemeanor may be issued for a DANCO violation within 10 years of a prior domestic abuse conviction. This could result in up to a year in jail and up to $3,000 in fines. Per Minnesota statute, there is a mandatory minimum of ten days in jail and mandatory domestic abuse counseling or programming.
A felony conviction is often the result of two or more prior domestic abuse offenses within the past 10 years or when the DANCO violation involved a dangerous weapon. This could lead to up to 5 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines. Per Minnesota statute, there is a mandatory minimum of 30 days in jail and mandatory domestic abuse counseling or programming.
Due to the seriousness of these penalties, it is crucial to work with an experienced DANCO violation attorney who can help you understand your rights and fight for the best possible outcome.
Legal Defense for False Allegations
In some cases, a person may make an accusation of abuse or harassment out of anger or frustration. They may not even realize that a DANCO could severely limit the other person’s freedoms. In any case, a Domestic Abuse No Contact Order lawyer in Minnesota can examine your situation to identify any signs that the allegations are not credible or consistent. This can include investigating the circumstances surrounding the initial complaint, reviewing any recorded phone calls or messages, and interviewing potential witnesses who may contradict the accuser’s version of events.
If you are facing false allegations, it is essential to work with a defense attorney who has experience handling domestic assault cases. For over 30 years, Universal Defense has represented clients in similar situations and knows how to approach these cases to expose inconsistencies and misleading claims. Don’t wait to begin building your defense strategy; call today.